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Alameda_County_Community _Food_Bank_Canvas_Mural_COMPLETE.jpgAlameda_County_Community_Food Bank_Panels_11-10-11.jpg

Alameda County Community Food Bank murals created by students of Eduardo Pineda's ENGAGE:Mural Arts class, Fall 2011

In fall of 2011 Eduardo Pineda's ENGAGE: Mural Arts class created murals for the Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB), for the newly constructed storage and distribution facility. Student majors included graphic design, illustration, textiles, printmaking, writing & literature, individualized program, photography, sculpture, and painting/drawing. The collaborative design and painting process produced wood mural panels for the food sorting area, and a larger mural on canvas at the entrance to the facility. Students met with Food Bank staff to learn about the organization’s mission and observe the facility’s environment. The students also benefited from the architectural design of the warehouse produced by a previous CCA class — an Interior Design course taught by Amy Campos — in order to identify the best placement of the murals within the facility. In the panels, the students wanted to represent the transformation of food from packaged resource at the food bank to when it emerges at homes as bright …

Creator(s): Pineda, Eduardo
CCA/C subject: Faculty and students at work
Person(s) depicted: Pineda, Eduardo, Allender, Jennifer M., ...
Status: Live|Last updated:February 6, 2020 3:05 PM
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